Stroke Research
Researchers at Kessler Foundation strive to improve stroke rehabilitative care by implementing new interventions during inpatient rehabilitation, exploring ways of improving mobility, and finding ways to detect and treat spatial neglect.
Effects of Using a Robotic Exoskeleton Early Post-Stroke
This study assesses whether using a wearable device, called the robotic exoskeleton, can be helpful in improving recovery of walking in adults who have recently had a stroke.
ReSUME Hand Exergaming Study for Stroke
This study examines the effectiveness of gaming exercises paired with brain stimulation to improve hand function in people who have sustained a stroke.
Gaze in Neglect Dyslexia
Neglect dyslexia, a reading impairment associated with post-stroke spatial neglect, presents a major barrier to regaining functional independence in activities of daily living, work, and leisure.
Ecological Assessment for Chronic Spatial Neglect
This study evaluates a new assessment for spatial neglect. People with spatial neglect often pay much more attention to one side of the body while ignoring the other side even though they have no difficulty seeing.
Exercise and Reading Therapy After Stroke
This study tests the effectiveness of reading therapy combined with exercise (stationary bike cycling or stretching) for people who have difficulty reading after a left-brain stroke.
Development of a Virtual Reality Spatial Retraining Therapy to Improve Neglect in Stroke Survivors
The purpose of this study is to design and develop a computer-based treatment software using Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The project will develop essential elements of the software named Kessler Foundation Spatial Retraining Therapy (KF-SRT®) System.
Rehab of Stroke Reading Deficits Using fMRI Neurofeedback
The purpose of this study is to investigate how reading can be improved after a left-brain stroke. The findings of this study may help to develop new methods for diagnosis and treatment of reading problems after stroke.
Reading Impairments Following Left-Sided Stroke
The goal of this research study is to better understand the brain mechanisms involved in reading. The findings from this study may help develop new methods for diagnosis and treatment of reading problems after stroke.
Robotic Exoskeleton Gait Training during Acute Stroke Rehabilitation
This project will evaluate the effect of walking robot-assisted gait training during the acute stage post stroke (when the nervous system is most plastic) on improving walking function.