Denise Krch, PhD
Laboratory Director
By using technological advancements like virtual reality and tailoring treatments to address cognitive impairment among culturally diverse populations, we see more successful rehabilitation of individuals with traumatic brain injury and an increase in caregiver understanding. 
Denise Krch, PhD, directs the Advancing Diverse Rehabilitation Treatments Laboratory, part of the Center for Traumatic Brain Injury Research at Kessler Foundation. Because health and function are impacted not only by injury or disease, but also by environmental and personal factors, the lab team aspires to address these multiple facets of life experience to obtain a more comprehensive perspective in its research. Scientists here develop and evaluate diverse neurorehabilitation approaches for adults with neurocognitive impairment and their caregivers. They investigate rehabilitation treatments using novel technology such as virtual reality to improve attention deficits in neurologic conditions, neglect in stroke survivors, balance deficits in traumatic brain injury (TBI), and social cognitive deficits in multiple sclerosis. In addition, the team endeavors to create interventions to improve the quality of life and emotional well-being for caregivers. The research conducted here also strives for greater understanding of cognitive rehabilitation outcomes in Hispanics after TBI and the efficacy of interventions across Hispanic cultures.
Department of Defense (DoD) Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) and the New Jersey Commission on Brain Injury Research.
Advancing Diverse Rehabilitation Treatments Lab Team
Advancing Diverse Rehabilitation Treatments Lab Team
Senior Research Scientist
Senior Research Coordinator