MRI Subcommittee

Research at the Rocco Ortenzio Neuroimaging Center at Kessler Foundation is designed to accelerate the pace of research discoveries to improve the mobility and cognition of people with disabilities through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other imaging techniques. Kessler Foundation is now the only free-standing rehabilitation institution in the United States with a research dedicated imaging center. Equipped with a state-of-the-art 3T Siemens Skyra Scanner, researchers now have the ability to use the latest neuroimaging techniques to capture images of the brain and spinal cord.


MRI Subcommittee Forms



MRI Checklist N/A N/A
Pilot Scan Request Form N/A N/A
MRI Consent Standard Language N/A N/A
Standard Operating Procedures for Children N/A N/A
Assent - IRB Standard Form N/A N/A
Technical Non-Research Consent Form N/A N/A
Subject Screen and Exit Forms N/A N/A