Empowering Career Growth for People with DisabilitiesThe Foundation’s Community Employment Grants provide critical funding to organizations that support, train, and place individuals with disabilities in competitive, integrated employment. We accept applications from both New Jersey-based and out-of-state groups for projects located in New Jersey that serve local residents. Since people with disabilities often face higher unemployment rates, lower wages, and increased poverty, meaningful employment offers a path toward greater independence, financial stability, and self-confidence. With proper support and training, individuals can secure sustainable employment and improve their long-term economic outlook. |
2025 Grants Target Increasing Job Opportunities and Career AdvancementFor 2025, the Foundation seeks proposals from tax-exempt organizations that service New Jersey counties with some of the lowest employment rates for people with disabilities. These counties are: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, Salem, Sussex, and Warren. Grants support an array of programs including transition-to-work for youth and adults, employment-related transportation solutions, vocational training, workplace readiness, strategies to support recruitment, hiring, placement, and retention, and strategies to move individuals from 14c employment to competitive, integrated employment settings. Other related programs may be funded at the discretion of our Trustees. |
Funding Terms and ConditionsCommunity Employment Grants are awarded for one year. Funding ranges from $25,000 - $40,000. Organizations may apply for indirect cost expenses up to 8 percent in their project budgets. There is no matching grant requirement. |
Types of Organizations Eligible to ApplyAny organization that serves New Jersey residents and is recognized as a tax-exempt entity according to the Internal Revenue Code may apply for funding. This includes non-profit agencies, public or private schools, and public institutions, such as universities and governmental entities (state, local, federal) based in the U.S. or any of its territories. The Foundation will not fund projects that discriminate in hiring staff or providing services on basis of race, gender, religion, marital status, sexual orientation or national origin. Proposals from organizations with a high percentage of staff self-identifying as having a disability are rated more favorably. |
Grant Award ProcessApplication to the Foundation’s Community Employment Grants program begins with an online application submission [email protected] Grant applications are screened and reviewed by staff and the Grants Committee. All grants recommended for funding are subsequently approved by our Board of Trustees. Final grant selection is at the discretion of Kessler Foundation. The application process from submission deadline to final approval takes approximately six months. |
Questions?For additional questions, please email us at [email protected]. |