Gaze in Neglect Dyslexia

Neglect dyslexia, a reading impairment associated with post-stroke spatial neglect, presents a major barrier to regaining functional independence in activities of daily living, work, and leisure. The goal of this research is to understand the role that gaze may have in neglect dyslexic errors and ultimately improve the detection and classification of visuospatial problems after stroke.

Actively Recruiting

1-3 sessions (up to 1 hour each)

Inclusion Criteria

Individuals who have had a stroke: 

  •  18+ years of age 
  •  Right hemisphere stroke within the last month 
  •  Intermediate visual acuity of 20/50 or better 
  •  No prior history of stroke or other nervous system injury or condition 
  •  No prior history of reading or learning disability 
  •  No history of major eye injury or eye lens surgery 


Individuals who have not had a stroke or any nervous system condition: 

  •  18+ years of age 
  •  Intermediate visual acuity of 20/50 or better 
  •  No prior history of stroke or other neurologic injury or progressive neurologic disease 
  •  No prior history of reading or learning disability 
  •  No history of major eye injury


IRB Number:


Research Coordinator