ReSUME Hand Exergaming Study for Stroke

This study examines the effectiveness of gaming exercises paired with brain stimulation to improve hand function in stroke survivors. The weak electrical stimulation to the brain is delivered using a device called tDCS, and the gaming exercises involve a device called GripAble Pro. Some study sessions are conducted at the stroke survivor's home in a remote-supervised setting.

Actively Recruiting

5 visits within 2 weeks. Visits 1 and 2 will be at Kessler Foundation's West Orange Campus, and visits 3-5 will be at the participant's home (each visit is 2 hours).

Inclusion Criteria
  • 18 years or older 
  • Clinically diagnosed with a stroke that occurred at least six months ago 
  • Have hand and arm weakness due to a stroke 
  • Able to commit to 3 training sessions at home in addition to 2 in-person visits at Kessler Foundation 
  • Have a caregiver/family member to assist with the equipment setup at home 
  • Agree to use the given study devices as directed and agree not to use them for purposes outside of the study 
  • Agree to allow 1-2 members of the study team into your home to conduct 1 at-home training session on telerehabilit

Up to $100

IRB Number:


Research Coordinator