2020 survey

2020 National Employment Survey

The ADA Generation: New Perspectives on Employment and College Graduates with Disabilities

Experts from Kessler Foundation and University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability share top-line findings from our latest survey

National Release ● Remotely

June 3, 2020 ● #KFSurvey2020

Today’s recent college graduates grew up in the era following the passage of Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. Our new survey provides the inside story of this first ADA generation, comparing the college experiences and work lives of graduates with and without disabilities. 

The 2020 Kessler Foundation National Employment and Disability Survey dispels common myths about the role of higher education in the lives of young people with disabilities, who like their peers without disabilities, are striving to transition to careers and economic independence. The survey also identifies disparities in career choices and employment outcomes that need the attention of educators, advocates, researchers, and policymakers.   

Among the survey resources are the June 3, 2020 press release, recording and transcript for Webinar 1, “The ADA Generation: New Perspectives on Employment and College Graduates with Disabilities,” the executive summary, and report of main findings, and information on our survey experts. Resources for Webinar 2: The ADA Generation: A Dialogue with Recent College Graduates are now available. 

Our 2015 and 2017 Employment and Disability surveys provided unexpected findings about the experiences and attitudes of people striving to work, and the procedures and processes that businesses use to recruit, hire, onboard, and retain workers with disabilities. 


Read about the 2015 Kessler Foundation National Employment & Disability Survey or the 2017 Kessler Foundation National Employment & Disability Survey: Supervisor Perspectives