Enroll in a Tele-Study
Several research studies can be completed from your home and do not require travel to our offices. Participation involves answering questionnaires and requires access to either a telephone or computer.
Identifying How the Environment Affects Life with Spinal Cord Injury
We are conducting a research study to understand the role that the community environment plays in the daily lives of people with spinal cord injury (SCI).
Computer-Based Training to Improve Thinking Skills for People with MS
This study investigates the effectiveness of a fully remote, memory enhancement technique in people with multiple sclerosis.
This study is fully remote and does not require any in-person visits.
A Strength-Based Intervention to Improve Job Interview Skills in Young Adults with ADHD
Researchers are evaluating how effective a strength-based intervention is in improving job interview skills in young adults with ADHD who may have difficulty with job interviews or want to improve these skills.
Impact of Transportation Access on Life After Spinal Cord Injury
This study explores how access to public transportation impacts the lives of people with spinal cord injury. This information will be used to improve existing strategies to meet the needs of public transportation users living with disabilities.
Social- and Health Care-Related Influences on Multiple Sclerosis Outcomes
This study investigates the impact of social and health care factors on disability, quality of life, mood, and other outcomes in people with MS from diverse backgrounds. The survey is currently available in English and will soon be available in Spanish.
Informing a Caregiver-Driven Vision for Future Services and Supports
This study aims to understand the perspectives of family caregivers regarding their needs for supportive services and resources in caring for a loved one with SCI. It also seeks recommendations to address caregivers' unmet needs in their everyday activities.
KF-STRIDE: Into the Interview
This study evaluates KF-STRIDE (Kessler Foundation Strength Identification and Expression Into the Interview program). KF-STRIDE is a tool meant to help people increase their awareness of their personal character strengths and how to use them in real life, specifically at work.
Boosting Mental Processing Speed after Spinal Cord Injury
This study tests whether a cognitive training program can improve the speed at which people with acute traumatic spinal cord injury process information.
This study is fully remote and does not require any in-person visits.
Well-being Interventions for Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury
This study evaluates the effectiveness of two interventions to improve well-being in adults with TBI.
All sessions are completed via an online platform such as Zoom. This study does not require in-person visits.
Workforce Skills for Young People with TBI
Study focuses on improving social skills to enhance employment readiness for transition-age youth.
All sessions are completed via an online platform such as Zoom. This study does not require in-person visits.
Scale Up Trial of Project WOWII to Increase Exercise Among People with Spinal Cord Injury
The purpose of this study is to look at the usefulness of an internet program called Workout on Wheels (WOWII) to promote exercise and health for people with chronic SCI.
This study is completely remote and does not require in-person visits.
Strength Identification and Expression in Young Adults
The purpose of this research study is to evaluate how young adults with and without autism identify and express their personal identities.
#Autism #AutismResearch
This study is fully remote and does not require any in-person visits.
Equity and Quality in Assistive Technology for Individuals with SCI (EQUATE)
Researchers are looking at the assistive technology used by individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) and those with diagnoses that affect the spinal cord.