Blue banner with an individual holding a tablet device in the background


Kessler Foundation Marks UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Kessler Foundation Marks UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities

West Orange, NJ. December 3, 2014. In 1992, the United Nations designated December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, to promote understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities everywhere. On this day, it is fitting to…

Lauren Scrivo Harris

The Power of Employing Veterans

On Veteran’s Day, we pause to honor the brave men and women who sacrificed so much to protect our freedom. Sadly, many struggle in the transition to civilian life and face challenges when trying to find employment. For our veterans who return with a disability, the transition is even more difficult. At Kessler Foundation, one of my…

Stephanie Jimenez wearing a blue jacket

Hard Work Plus Accommodations Equal Success in the Workplace

The value of hard work was instilled in me from a very young age. My parents came from Medellin, Colombia to the United States in the 1970s in pursuit of the American dream. My father worked three jobs. Sick days were never an option. He respected his jobs and took great pride in showing my sister and me how hard he worked to provide…

Michael Smith with his wife and son

Excelling in the Workplace: My Journey

I’ll never forget the day that shaped the rest of my life. Having just ended my junior year at Ramapo College, I was home enjoying the beautiful May afternoon. The year was 1988, seven years since an auto accident had left me a quadriplegic. Suddenly, the phone rang. I heard the voice of the public relations manager from the New…

Christopher Miller wearing a graduate outfit

My Journey to Find Employment

Spastic cerebral palsy may affect my mobility and speech, but it does not affect my ability to achieve my goals. Always very driven and determined, I realized early on in high school that I wanted to be a voice for people with disabilities. I started by advocating on behalf of the student body for improvements to make the campus more…

Becky Curran

Working to Improve Inclusion in the Media

Born a little person, I have dedicated my life to helping everyone accept the differences in others. I’m one of only 30,000 little people currently living in the United States. Most U.S. citizens may not ever physically meet a little person. This means that society's views of little people are directly related to what they see on…

Scott Chesney wearing a blue shirt

Service to Others

Humanitarian and boxing legend Muhammad Ali once said to me, “Service to others is the rent we pay for our space here on Earth.” Ever since that day back in the 90’s, I remind myself of that purpose, each and every day. Just a few short years after that, I combined that purpose with my passion—motivational and inspirational speaking—…

Rodger DeRose CEO wearing a suit and tie on black background.

Why Hire People with Disabilities?

October marks the 70th anniversary of National Disability Employment Awareness Month - a time to acknowledge the substantial contributions made by workers with disabilities. It's also a time to reflect on our attitudes as a society and find ways to expand employment opportunities for this talented population – the largest minority in…

Register for Kessler Foundation’s 14th Annual Stroll ‘N Roll!

Register for Kessler Foundation’s 14th Annual Stroll ‘N Roll!

Join us on Sunday, September 27, 2015, from 10am to 1pm at Verona Park in Verona, NJ for Kessler Foundation’s 14th Annual Stroll ‘N Roll! This exciting family event brings together hundreds of people of all abilities to raise vital funds to improve quality of life for people with disabilities. We have planned a fun-…

Three women, left brow hair blue blouse, center curly hair grey jacket, right dark hair wearing a white jacket.

Spatial Neglect Assessment: A Web-based Learning Opportunity

For the past year, at Kessler Foundation in West Orange, Dr. Peii Chen, research scientist, and Kimberly Hreha, stroke clinical research coordinator, felt as if they had changed their job titles!  An ambitious goal led to expanding their daily work tasks to include scriptwriting, interviewing professional…