The purpose of this research study is to assess the effect of lower legs robot device called the EKSO on walking on children who have weakness on one side of the body due to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). |
Actively Recruiting
1-8 weeks
Inclusion Criteria
- Be able to physically fit into the exoskeletal device
- Be able to stand upright upright for up to 30 minutes
- Have normal motion of his/her arms and legs for walking with the robotic exoskeleton
- Have enough upper body strength to balance him/herself using a walker while wearing the exoskeleton
- If an inpatient, have had an acquired brain injury for more than a week
- Have a walking speed within the acceptable range as determined by a member of the study team
- Have enough strength of his/her unaffected upper limb to use the hemiwalker or walker
- Be a male between 13-17 years of age
- Speak English
- Be able to follow directions and commands
- Have as stable blood pressure
- Be willing and able to give informed consent
- Be able and willing to comply with study procedure, verbal instructions, and follow-up requirements.
IRB Number: