Improving Memory and Learning in MS

This study investigates the effectiveness of memory techniques in people with multiple sclerosis.

Actively Recruiting

Participation lasts approximately 8 months, including 3 testing sessions (2-3 hours each), 2 MRI sessions (75 minutes each), and intervention sessions meeting twice a week for 4 weeks (45 minutes each). Some participants will also meet once per month for a treatment refresher sessions prior to the final testing session.

Inclusion Criteria
  • Individuals aged 18-65.
  • Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. 
  • Able to read and speak English fluently.

Participants receive $25 after the screening visit. Participants who qualify receive $200 following the baseline testing and fMRI Scanning sessions, an additional $200 following short term follow up testing and scanning sessions (week 6), and $100 following long term testing session. 


IRB Number:


Research Coordinator