Feedback and Learning in Individuals with Clinical Depression and TBI

The purpose of this research study is to examine the influence of 'feedback timing' (feedback about your performance is either presented immediately or after a delay) on learning and brain function in individuals with moderate to severe TBI with or without depression. Participants complete questionnaires and learning tasks on a computer and while in an MRI scanner.

Actively Recruiting

Participation includes an MRI (1 hour) and computer tasks (3-4 hours). 

Inclusion Criteria

Individuals 18-65 years of age who meet one of these four criteria:

Have been diagnosed with TBI and:

  • Currently experience or have recently experienced depression
  • Do not currently experience or haven’t recently experienced depression

Have not been diagnosed with TBI or other neurological disorders and:

  • Currently experience or have recently experienced depression
  • Do not currently experience or haven’t recently experienced depression.

Participants who complete the study receive $125.

IRB Number:


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