Today is Stock Monday!

Before you sift through those #GivingTuesday emails tomorrow, keep in mind that today is an important day both for Kessler Foundation and for you as someone who values life-changing rehabilitation research and employment initiatives for people with disabilities: Stock Monday!

What is Stock Monday? Stock Monday encourages friends of Kessler Foundation to make a stock gift before December 31, and maximize your tax benefits while maximizing recovery, independence, and inclusion.

Why now? With the recent rise in inflation and interest rates, stock giving allows you to make a life-changing difference while saving your cash for your own immediate needs. In addition, donating appreciated stock (and other property) held more than one year can have a double tax advantage: you don’t pay capital gains tax on the donation, and you can get a deduction for the fair market value, if you itemize.

If you still like the stock you’ve donated, you can re-buy it immediately and your basis would reset to your new price. This basis reset would be advantageous in a subsequent sale.

How does it work? We’ve partnered with Freewill , a secure online stock giving platform, to make it simple. Here’s how it works:

  1. You’ll select which securities to donate—choose a stock you’ve held for at least one year to maximize your tax benefits.
  2. FreeWill’s platform will auto complete your forms, and help you submit a request to transfer the securities.
  3. We receive your gift intention along with your information, so we can thank you!


Make my gift today


With more and more of our donors choosing stock giving to support their savings and tax-smart giving, please know that this option is available to you. To learn more, please contact Michele Pignatello, Vice President and Chief Development Officer. Many thanks in advance for your generosity.