Register to Join the Fun! Hybrid Stroll ’N Roll 2023

We look forward to the best ever hybrid Stroll ’N Roll on Sunday, September 24! Join us from 11 am to 2 pm in Verona Park in Verona, NJ, and virtually from your own neighborhood.

Stroll ’N Roll brings together people of all ages and abilities for a day of fun, food, and friendship to champion rehabilitation research and employment for people with disabilities.

One hundred percent of every dollar you give or raise means more is possible—more research, more advancements, more independence for people with disabilities.

So, gather your friends, family, or coworkers and invite them to get involved! Help us kick off Stroll ’N Roll by forming a team, fundraising, or making a gift. Visit for more information and to register for FREE today.

Make a gift of $25 or more to receive a Stroll ’N Roll t-shirt like the one our friends are wearing below.

group picture of friends at an event in verona park



Together, whether in spirit or in person, we will change lives and show the world that abilities—not disabilities—are what matter. We look forward to seeing you!

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