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The Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center

A valuable resource in a traumatic brain injury survivor’s journey

By Jean Lengenfelder, PhD, Associate Director, Center for Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Research , and Erica Weber, PhD, Research Scientist, Center for Traumatic Brain Injury Research at Kessler Foundation

Diagram of a human head and brainFinding valuable information about your traumatic brain injury (TBI)  can be challenging and time-consuming. Where can you locate  easy-to-understand TBI materials? How do you know the information you’ve found is correct and up to date?  

The Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that works to review the latest research and create useful tools for TBI. The MSKTC is a trusted, leading source for up-to-date TBI research and resources for individuals with TBI and their families. The center’s website provides free materials in English and Spanish available as printable PDF documents, videos, fact sheets, slideshows, podcasts, and even infocomics.

The MSKTC also directly involves individuals with TBI and their families to serve as ambassadors to help develop and review content for new resources. Ambassadors also help by spreading the word to increase the use of resources so many more people can benefit from the information. 

The MSKTC is operated by the American Institute for Research (AIR) and is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). The MSKTC works with the 16 TBI Model Systems across the U.S., including the Northern New Jersey Traumatic Brain Injury Model System, a collaborative project of Kessler Foundation, Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, and five local trauma centers. In addition to its work in TBI, MSKTC is also the center for information related to spinal cord injury and burn injury. 

A sampling of topics on the MSKTC website include:

Icon of individual with a knee pain

Physical Health
Balance Problems
Chronic Pain

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Cognitive & Emotional Health
Memory Problems
Cognitive and Emotional Problems
Stress Management

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Daily Functioning
Parenting with a TBI
Returning to School

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