Peii (Peggy) Chen, PhD

Peii Chen, PhD, is an assistant director in the Center for Stroke Rehabilitation Research and the intellectual property liaison at Kessler Foundation. Dr. Chen is also a research associate professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University. Dr. Chen obtained her doctoral degree at the Pennsylvania State University, where she was mentored by Prof. J. Toby Mordkoff and Prof. Cathleen Moore. Trained as an experimental cognitive psychologist, Dr. Chen started out her postdoctoral career in 2007 and became a neurorehabilitation scientist with the focus on spatial cognition and its disorders after brain injury, especially stroke. Dr. Chen is devoting her career to the study of spatial neglect and its related deficits, real-life impacts, and solutions. Dr. Chen is a recipient of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)’s 2017 Distinguished Switzer Research Fellowship. She is the lead developer of the Kessler Foundation Neglect Assessment Process (KF-NAP®) and Prism Adaptation Treatment (KF-PAT®). 

Cognitive psychology
Rehabilitation science
Research methodology
Postdoctoral Fellowship - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, USA
PhD - Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
Specialization - Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
MS - Psychology, Pennsylvania State University
BS - Medical Radiation Technology, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan.
Switzer Fellowship Distinguished Award, 2017
Spot Bonus Award, 2015
Science Across Virtual Institutes (SAVI) Award, 2013
R03 award (Grant No. HD063177), 2009
Research Interests

Topic areas of Dr. Chen's research include brain mechanisms and behavioral symptoms of spatial neglect, deficits related to spatial neglect (such self-awareness deficits and perseverative behavior), clinical impacts of spatial neglect, assessment methods for spatial neglect, treatment development for spatial neglect, knowledge translation and implementation.


View comprehensive listings of Dr. Chen's publications on ResearchGate.

