Senior Research Scientist
Anthony H. Lequerica, PhD, is a Senior Research Scientist in the Center for Traumatic Brain Injury Research at Kessler Foundation. He is a research associate professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and holds a clinical appointment as a staff neuropsychologist in the Cognitive Rehabilitation Program at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation.
Dr. Lequerica has extensive postgraduate training in quantitative methods with a strong interest in measurement and psychometrics. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications and presents and lectures at conferences at the local, national, and international level. Dr. Lequerica is a member of the American Psychological Association (Divisions 22, 40, and 45), the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, the Hispanic Neuropsychological Society, and co-chair of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Special Interest Group of the Traumatic Brain Injury Model System.
Dr. Lequerica's current research interests are sleep/wake disorders after acquired brain injury and issues of cultural diversity that impact rehabilitation outcomes with a strong motivation to improve neuropsychological testing and cognitive rehabilitation interventions for Spanish-speakers and other underserved populations.
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