Establishing a Clearer Measure of Mental Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis

This study examines mental fatigue that is regularly experienced by people with multiple sclerosis. Researchers will examine levels of mental fatigue by looking at brain activation during an MRI scan and analyzing self-reported mental fatigue provided during study participation.

Actively Recruiting

1-2 visits (4 hours total).

Inclusion Criteria
All participants:
  • 18-64 years of age
  • No psychological conditions that might affect thinking abilities (such as bipolar disorder or major depression)
  • Able to read and speak English fluently
  • Able to have an MRI scan 
Participants with multiple sclerosis only:
  • Have multiple sclerosis that has been diagnosed by a neurologist
  • Relapse-free for 30 days or more (a relapse is a period of worsening symptoms)

Participants who complete the study may receive $100 and travel reimbursement.

IRB Number:


Research Coordinator